Our journey towards healthier lives

2 Fat Dads is an online journal with a 3 year mission. We want to change our lifestyles so that we can reach our target weight goals before we turn 51. We are going to do this together (because misery enjoys company) and we will do it knowing that there are people out there watching us- which will hopefully help us stick to our plans. We are not looking to turn our lives upside down- we have a lot going on already. We need to find a way to make it all fit. We think this is doable although we realize that we may stumble on the way. We’ll be there for each other- so we think this will work.

FAT DAD #1 – Fish

BORN: 1971



STARTING DATE:  January 7, 2020

FAT DAD #2 – Mac

BORN: 1971



STARTING DATE: January 7, 2020

So it’s been a year! A year of Covid-19 and quarantining and working from home and physical distancing and lockdowns and and and… And I did nothing to improve my health – in fact I gained 5 pounds. The end of January rolled around and along with a year
So I have not yet started this journey to a slimmer trimmer healthier me. Life keeps getting in the way. Either it’s kids sports, work, family, celebratory occasions, holidays, etc. getting in the way, or it’s just me being lazy. Heck, I haven’t even posted in a very long
A quick note: I have, for the last several weeks, been playing around with the timing of my food, snacking (and not snacking) and cheating on things- eating after hours, eating bad things at bad times etc… I have also been playing around with foods, and have had ups
So it’s July the 10th and I just had my one day of the week where I break rules- eating during the “fasting” times and I weighed in at 288 pounds. It’s almost 6 weeks since I got a handle on the intermittent fasting (Or almost got a handle
It has been 8 days and I have stuck to the 16 hour fasting timetable. It has been pretty sucky at times. My food cravings were disastrous for me on the first day so my wife helped me by sending me on shopping errands. It took most of the
So I am inspired by Fish’s amazing results and am trying the intermittent fasting again. I know I don’t have the will power to do what he’s doing but I will aim for smaller and hopefully more achievable goals. Goal #1 is to drink throughout the day- when I